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The Perfect Insurance Policy for Your Factory Air Suspended Land Cruiser Prado 120 & 150 Series

Lately we have been getting enquiry on the Land Cruiser Prado 120 & 150 Factory Air Suspension being unable to inflate the airbags due to the factory on board air supply system failing.

In the event that this happens we have developed an Emergency Inflation Kit that bypasses the existing on board inflation system that will give you the ability to manually inflate your airbags.

You don't want to be on a trip of a lifetime & find that your system isn't working correctly, the good thing is we have the solution which comes in kit form with step by step instructions either with or without a portable compressor.

With our emergency kit you get all the components you need to switch to manual inflation, once switched over to manual inflation you can use a portable compressor to inflate & deflate the airbags.

Emergency Inflation Kits also available for Factory Air Suspended Land Rover Range Rover P38 & Classic 93MY.

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