Land Rover Defender 130 OA4515 & OA6015 Airbag Man Suspension

That worked all right!
Thanks for the help again!
I've been watching some of the Airbag Man uploads on Youtube, to learn something...You are one of the ginger guys!
What a honour!!! You are a superstar! Uhuuuu
Mitsubishi Pajero CR5002HP Airbag Man Suspension

Our recent Flinders Ranges trip last year showed that the existing suspension upgrade we put in ten years ago was desperately in need of replacing. The extra weight of towing a camper trailer along with a boot full of gear was harsh over the corrugations etc. The Bilstein shock absorbers were on their last legs, however the King Coil springs were still ok but the Polyair airbags were perforated.
Fiat Ducato RR4684 & AC2011D Airbag Man Suspension

What a difference Airbags make!
We have a Knaus Skywave Motorhome which is imported from Germany by Avan and are very happy with the Motorhome. The Motorhome is finished in typical German style.
Toyota Hiace RR4619 Airbag Man Suspension

I received my order today, Thank you for a great product and fantastic service. I'll be sure to recommend Airbag Man here in Japan.